Lock in Your Dream Home Now, Customize the Rate Later! 🏠🔑

If you’ve been holding off on buying a home because of rising mortgage rates, now’s a great time to take a second look!
Rates are starting to drop, making homeownership more within reach.
You may have heard the phrase “marry the house, date the rate,” this concept means you can secure your dream home now while having the flexibility to adjust your mortgage rate later, so you won’t feel stuck with today’s rates forever. With inflation easing, mortgage rates are following suit; we’ve seen them go from over 7% down to now closer to 5%, and they could keep dropping.
Plus, with no-cost refinancing options, you can lock in a better rate now and refinance later without the hefty fees. It’s a smart move that can save you a lot of money down the road. With improving rates and the flexibility to refinance, now is the perfect time to buy, and I’m here to help guide you every step of the way. Let’s make your home-buying experience fun, stress-free, and affordable!


Things Are Looking Different Around Here! 🏡🌟

Big news in the real estate world—soon, commission details won’t be listed directly on the MLS anymore. Instead, we’ll be using new forms to handle this information. This change is all about making things clearer and more streamlined, so everyone knows exactly what to expect without any added confusion. But don’t worry, the core of how we buy and sell homes remains unchanged, so you’ll still get the top-notch service you’re used to!
The new forms are designed to simplify the process and enhance transparency. Whether you’re hunting for your dream home or gearing up to sell, you’ll find that while the paperwork might look a bit different, the exceptional care and expertise of your real estate team will stay the same. This update is all about making your experience smoother and more straightforward, so you can focus on finding the perfect place or getting the best deal. Here’s to making real estate transactions easier and even more enjoyable!


Housing for Cats— Help every cat finds their cozy corner!Â đŸ đŸ±â€ïž

Imagine a world where every cat has a cozy home to call their own! Just like us humans cherish the comfort and security of owning a home, cats need a place where they feel safe and loved. This is the heart of the mission behind "housing for cats," a journey that mirrors the wonderful adventure of finding the perfect house for a family. Much like a top-notch realtor ensures their clients find their dream home, Viva Los Gatos is dedicated to giving homeless cats in Baja, Mx a second chance at life.

Viva Los Gatos goes above and beyond, offering essential services like sterilization, medical attention, and shelter while helping these cats find their forever homes. Viva Los Gatos has created a cozy lounge with the focus on creating a safe and loving environment where visitors can mingle with the adorable kittens, offering a fun and interactive experience for potential adopters.

It's a heartwarming process, transforming the lives of these animals and giving them the homes they deserve. Viva Los Gatos is turning "housing for cats" into a reality, one purr at a time. It’s like the real estate world for our furry friends, ensuring they, too, have a place to call home and a family to love. Just as finding a home can change a person's life, providing a safe haven for these cats transforms their world entirely!

Click here to check out Viva Los Gatos:


Just Say No! Don’t fall into the trap of making upgrades that won’t add value to your home!

Homeowners often fall into the trap of making upgrades they think will add value, but sometimes these changes turn out to be unnecessary and even problematic when it’s time to sell. Take solar panels, for example. They’re fantastic for the environment and can slash your utility bills, but they don’t always increase your home’s resale value. We’ve seen situations where potential buyers are hesitant to take on the financial responsibility of solar panels, especially if they’re leased or financed. This can lead to complications and delays in selling your home, making it a less attractive option for buyers.
So, what’s the best way to avoid these pitfalls? Talk to the pros! Consulting with real estate agents and experts can give you a clear picture of whether purchasing or leasing solar panels is the right move. They can help you understand the financial ins and outs and what buyers are looking for. Remember, it's all about finding the right balance between making your home more appealing and ensuring it remains marketable.

Reach out to us anytime— we're here to help you make the best decisions for your home and your future!


There’s no better time to prepare than now! Ways to prepare your home, business, and loved ones from a wildfire.

Prepare Your Home for a Wildfire

Home Maintenance: Regularly clean gutters, trim tree limbs near your home, ensure smoke alarms work, and keep fire extinguishers operational. Make sure escape ladders are accessible.

Landscaping: Use fire-resistant shrubs and trees, and create firebreaks with rocks and flower beds. Maintain defensible space zones free of brush and trees, especially on hills.

Be Prepared: Prepare a survival kit, an evacuation plan, and a home inventory. Consider fire-resistant materials when remodeling.

Prepare Your Business

Maximize Fire Resistance:

  • Use noncombustible materials for exterior walls, roofs, and gutters.

  • Install dual-paned windows or fire shutters, metal mesh screening over vents, and spark arrestors on chimneys.

  • Consider exterior fire sprinklers.


  • Keep fuel-powered fire pumps ready and test them regularly.

  • Inventory equipment and store important documents offsite or in a fire-rated safe.

  • Create an emergency contact list and communication plan.

  • Maintain accessibility for fire department equipment and develop emergency shutdown procedures.

  • Develop a business continuity plan and monitor local conditions for early evacuation.

As a Wildfire Approaches

Monitor Conditions: Stay updated on local news and follow evacuation instructions. Review emergency plans and designate a meeting place. Store emergency numbers on mobile phones.

Prepare, if Possible: Close windows, doors, blinds, and shut off utilities. Ready your vehicle with a full fuel tank and keys handy.

During a Wildfire

Heed Evacuation Instructions: Evacuate immediately if advised. Wear protective clothing and take a wet towel for your face. Follow your evacuation plan with your survival kit.

Business Evacuation Plan

  • Have a documented and communicated evacuation plan with multiple escape routes.

  • Practice the plan and account for all employees.

  • Follow emergency shutdown procedures and close all vents, windows, and doors. Shut off gas and fuel supplies.

After a Wildfire

Await the “All Clear”: Check with officials before re-entering. Look for hot spots and check for sparks and embers. Dispose of any food or medication exposed to smoke or fire.

Business Wildfire Recovery

  • Follow OSHA's Wildfire: Response/Recovery guidelines.

Other Considerations:

  • Contact local fire departments and agencies for fire laws, building codes, and prevention measures. Look for grants and resources to reduce wildfire risk.


Right size your home... 🏡 What's important to you? đŸ€”

Rightsizing your home is like giving your living space a fresh start. It's about creating a more manageable, organized, and enjoyable environment. Think of it as the ultimate decluttering adventure, where you sort through your belongings and decide what truly matters.This process helps transform your home into a stress-free zone that perfectly suits your lifestyle, making it easier to find what you need and enjoy your space more fully.
But. we all have those sentimental items we can't imagine parting with. The emotional side of downsizing is just as important as the practical side. Take a moment to reflect on the purpose and value of each item. Maybe create memory books or digital archives for those sentimental treasures. It’s important to acknowledge these feelings and approach them with a positive mindset.  Focus on the incredible benefits of a simplified space – less clutter means more room for the things you love and a clearer mind. Embrace the journey, and you’ll find that rightsizing isn’t just about organizing your home; it’s about enriching your life and making room for what truly matters.


Should You Sell Your Home During the Summer?

Summer is a season of pool parties, barbeques, and enjoying time with loved ones.  It is also a red hot season for buying and selling homes.  Below we’ll discuss the pros and cons of listing your home during this prominent real estate season. 


  1. You Will Have an Abundance of Showings: With more hours of daylight, there’s more time for real estate showings.  Showings are also more likely to have viewers during the summer season than in the winter.  Interested home buyers are more likely to be spending quality time outside, which makes them more likely to attend an open house. 

  2. Buyers Have Extra Motivation: Many busy households want to move into new homes before the fall school season begins.  Buyers might’ve missed out on housing opportunities during the spring, so summer is the perfect time for a new search. 

  3. Convenience: With the free time for students and the consistent weather, summer provides availability and certainty when it comes to moving.

  4. The House Will Looks Its Best: Natural light abounds in the summer, and this extra brightness is sure to showcase your home at its best.  With radiant windows and flourishing flowers, your home will be ready to list. 


  1. Competition: Because this is such a busy time in the real estate market, this means the market is filled with competition.  Be prepared to see a “For Sale” sign at every corner, but do not let that dissuade you.  Make your home stand out. 

  2. Obligations: Selling a house comes with obligations that may interfere with your summer plans.  Cleaning and prepping the house for showings is a substantial job in itself.  However, if you hire a real estate agent, this load of work will be majorly alleviated. 

  3. Summer Heat: Loading and unloading a moving truck during hot, humid weather is a struggle.  Prepare yourself with chilled bottles of water, sunscreen, and portable fans.

  4. Showing Houses with Children: Even though school is out for the summer, when it comes to selling a house, it isn’t all about relaxation.  You will need to have a place for your kids to go while prospective buyers are looking at your home.  Not to mention you will need to clean the house on a regular basis.  The best piece of advice for selling a home while you have children is to plan ahead of time: playdates or summer camps will give you free time and give your children fun experiences. 

Summer is the perfect time to sell your house, but it’s not without its challenges.  However, with the help of an adaptable, experienced real estate agent at VB Realty, anything is possible. Contact VB Realty Group for al of your real estate needs. 

To read Marian White’s full article, click the link below.


🏠 Alert! Keep Your Home Safe & Sound! đŸ›Ąïž

Picture this: you’re enjoying a lazy Sunday morning with your favorite cup of coffee, when suddenly, an email pops up saying there's a foreclosure recorded on your property. Your heart races – what’s going on? This is exactly the kind of moment the Homeowner Alert Service (e-Notification) was made for. By signing up, you get real-time alerts whenever a foreclosure, transfer of title, or mortgage is recorded on your property with your County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk.
Think of this service as your personal watchdog, always sniffing out any suspicious activity that might suggest real estate fraud, keeping you one step ahead, allowing you to catch and address potential issues before they become real problems.
But here’s a fun fact with a serious twist: scammers and hackers might try to crash this party. They could intercept these email alerts and use the info to change phone numbers on your bank accounts or pull off credit card fraud without you even knowing. So while the Homeowner Alert Service is awesome for protecting against real estate fraud, it’s also a reminder to keep your cybersecurity game strong. Stay alert, stay safe, and keep enjoying those peaceful mornings!


News Flash... Mortgage Rates Dropped So Get Moving! 📉🚚🏠

Great news for homebuyers and homeowners! Mortgage rates have taken a dip, sliding down from the high 7% range to the mid-6% range!
If you're on the hunt for a new home or eyeing a refinance, this change is like discovering an unexpected bonus in your paycheck. Sure, a 6% mortgage rate might still seem a tad high compared to the sweet, record lows we enjoyed not too long ago, but compared to 7%, it's definitely a treat.
And here's the real cherry on top: that 1% drop can save you a boatload of cash. Picture this — on a $700,000 home loan, shaving off just one percentage point from your rate, going from 7% to 6%, can save you tens of thousands of dollars over a 30-year mortgage. That's a serious stack of savings, translating to lower monthly payments and less interest chipping away at your wallet.

Whether you're a first-time buyer or a homeowner looking to refinance, this dip in rates is like finding a hidden treasure chest, making your dream home more affordable and adding a sprinkle of financial freedom to your life. Cheers to that!


Blurred Lines
. Yeah Your Property Lines

Anyone who has been in public settings can understand and appreciate the invisible line that makes personal space. You can’t see it, touch it, or feel it, but there is nothing worse than when someone crosses into it. That’s why when you drive down any given neighborhood, most people have fences to draw a physical line between them and their neighbors. Nothing personal, it’s just about the space. If you have purchased a property, I’m going to go ahead and assume it likely has a fence around the perimeter to mark your property from others. If it had a fence, it’s easy to imagine that the fence is the border and everything within the fence is yours and outside the fence isn’t. It’s a logical thought but if you thought you knew your property lines, you should think again! 

I know that may not be the news you want to hear, (or maybe you’re in a dispute with your neighbors and it's exactly what you want to hear). Unless you’ve had a land survey done of your property, you are basing your property line off of a plat map, which is like buying pants based on whether the waist fits around your neck (don’t act like your parents didn’t make you do that for back to school shopping). So why should it matter to you? The honest answer is it may not. Maybe you like your neighbors, have a large plot of land, or live away from other people. But if you have neighbors who have fences, sheds, or anything else that you think may be encroaching on your invisible property line or are buying a home and want to avoid the surprise of being told to move your fence, then you may want to make that invisible line more visible. Want to know more about your property line? Give me a call! Whether it's pesky neighbors, peace of mind, or just plain curiosity, I can help you find the answers.


Utilizing Your Outdoor Space Year-Round

Having a usable outdoor space is more important now than ever, but finding uses for it during the fall and winter seasons can be difficult.  Below we’ve listed some of the best ways to utilize your outdoor space year-round.  Enjoy! 

  1. Fire Pit

Fire pits are an incredible use for outdoor space after sundown.  They provide warmth, light, a joyful mood, and are a perfect ambiance for future gatherings or late night reminiscences, not to mention the endless s’mores.  

  1. Heat Lamps

The most luxurious outdoor heating experience ever.  The electric versions are sleeker and safer than other gas options.  Optimal for staying warm during late-night stargazing, investing in heat-lamps would be a great option for light and warmth during the cold winter months. 

  1. Privacy Screens 

They increase privacy and block strong winds.  Whether you’d like a screen or a wall, latticework is an affordable pick to enclose a balcony or patio. 

  1. Curtained Pergola

An extravagant and beautiful choice is the curtained pergola (also known as a gazebo) that can adapt to any seasonal festivities.  They offer privacy, a stylish appearance, and comfort right in your backyard! 

  1. Small Outdoor Cooktop

Full outdoor kitchens are expensive and possibly wasteful if they aren’t used.  Find an affordable, easy-to-use, stylish option in the small cooktop or grill. 

  1. Small shed

Sheds are versatile.  They offer storage space, an extra room for hobbies, homework space, office space, crafting spot, workout room, or meditation area.  The applications are endless! 

  1. Extra Lighting

Light is a deciding factor in your outdoor-ambiance, so feel free to get creative with twinkling lights, glowing lanterns, Tiki torches, candles, and anything else your heart may desire. 

Utilizing your outdoor space is about maximizing warmth, comfort, and creativity.  With these tips, hopefully you’ll be able to stay warm and cozy whether gathering with friends, star-gazing, or having a late night reflection.  Stay warm and stay safe! 

To read Jennifer Kelly Geddes’ full article, click the link below.


Home Buyer Master Class

VB Realty Group Presents: Home Buyer Master Class

Learn the top 5 things you should know to become a homebuyer in 2023!

If you would like to view the slides used in this presentation, Click the link below:

If you have questions or would like more information please send your request to or call Brenda at (562)881.9416 and we will be happy to help!
