There’s no better time to prepare than now! Ways to prepare your home, business, and loved ones from a wildfire.

Prepare Your Home for a Wildfire

Home Maintenance: Regularly clean gutters, trim tree limbs near your home, ensure smoke alarms work, and keep fire extinguishers operational. Make sure escape ladders are accessible.

Landscaping: Use fire-resistant shrubs and trees, and create firebreaks with rocks and flower beds. Maintain defensible space zones free of brush and trees, especially on hills.

Be Prepared: Prepare a survival kit, an evacuation plan, and a home inventory. Consider fire-resistant materials when remodeling.

Prepare Your Business

Maximize Fire Resistance:

  • Use noncombustible materials for exterior walls, roofs, and gutters.

  • Install dual-paned windows or fire shutters, metal mesh screening over vents, and spark arrestors on chimneys.

  • Consider exterior fire sprinklers.


  • Keep fuel-powered fire pumps ready and test them regularly.

  • Inventory equipment and store important documents offsite or in a fire-rated safe.

  • Create an emergency contact list and communication plan.

  • Maintain accessibility for fire department equipment and develop emergency shutdown procedures.

  • Develop a business continuity plan and monitor local conditions for early evacuation.

As a Wildfire Approaches

Monitor Conditions: Stay updated on local news and follow evacuation instructions. Review emergency plans and designate a meeting place. Store emergency numbers on mobile phones.

Prepare, if Possible: Close windows, doors, blinds, and shut off utilities. Ready your vehicle with a full fuel tank and keys handy.

During a Wildfire

Heed Evacuation Instructions: Evacuate immediately if advised. Wear protective clothing and take a wet towel for your face. Follow your evacuation plan with your survival kit.

Business Evacuation Plan

  • Have a documented and communicated evacuation plan with multiple escape routes.

  • Practice the plan and account for all employees.

  • Follow emergency shutdown procedures and close all vents, windows, and doors. Shut off gas and fuel supplies.

After a Wildfire

Await the “All Clear”: Check with officials before re-entering. Look for hot spots and check for sparks and embers. Dispose of any food or medication exposed to smoke or fire.

Business Wildfire Recovery

  • Follow OSHA's Wildfire: Response/Recovery guidelines.

Other Considerations:

  • Contact local fire departments and agencies for fire laws, building codes, and prevention measures. Look for grants and resources to reduce wildfire risk.
