🏠 Alert! Keep Your Home Safe & Sound! 🛡️

Picture this: you’re enjoying a lazy Sunday morning with your favorite cup of coffee, when suddenly, an email pops up saying there's a foreclosure recorded on your property. Your heart races – what’s going on? This is exactly the kind of moment the Homeowner Alert Service (e-Notification) was made for. By signing up, you get real-time alerts whenever a foreclosure, transfer of title, or mortgage is recorded on your property with your County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk.
Think of this service as your personal watchdog, always sniffing out any suspicious activity that might suggest real estate fraud, keeping you one step ahead, allowing you to catch and address potential issues before they become real problems.
But here’s a fun fact with a serious twist: scammers and hackers might try to crash this party. They could intercept these email alerts and use the info to change phone numbers on your bank accounts or pull off credit card fraud without you even knowing. So while the Homeowner Alert Service is awesome for protecting against real estate fraud, it’s also a reminder to keep your cybersecurity game strong. Stay alert, stay safe, and keep enjoying those peaceful mornings!


California Home/Residential Insurance Information

Home insurance is an important part of owning a home and protects one of your largest financial investments. Whether you are interested in purchasing, reviewing, or replacing you’re current policy, it’s important to compare the options available to you.

The California Department of Insurance (CDI) is a great resource and provides guides, tips, and tools to help you understand your home insurance so you can make the best, and most informed decision for you.

You can visit the CDI website here. If you need additional help, feel free to reach out to your favorite VB Realty Group agent! We’re here for you for any stage of life and will help get you to where you want to go!
