Blurred Lines…. Yeah Your Property Lines

Blurred Lines…. Yeah Your Property Lines

Anyone who has been in public settings can understand and appreciate the invisible line that makes personal space. You can’t see it, touch it, or feel it, but there is nothing worse than when someone crosses into it. That’s why when you drive down any given neighborhood, most people have fences to draw a physical line between them and their neighbors. Nothing personal, it’s just about the space. If you have purchased a property, I’m going to go ahead and assume it likely has a fence around the perimeter to mark your property from others. If it had a fence, it’s easy to imagine that the fence is the border and everything within the fence is yours and outside the fence isn’t. It’s a logical thought but if you thought you knew your property lines, you should think again! 

I know that may not be the news you want to hear, (or maybe you’re in a dispute with your neighbors and it's exactly what you want to hear). Unless you’ve had a land survey done of your property, you are basing your property line off of a plat map, which is like buying pants based on whether the waist fits around your neck (don’t act like your parents didn’t make you do that for back to school shopping). So why should it matter to you? The honest answer is it may not. Maybe you like your neighbors, have a large plot of land, or live away from other people. But if you have neighbors who have fences, sheds, or anything else that you think may be encroaching on your invisible property line or are buying a home and want to avoid the surprise of being told to move your fence, then you may want to make that invisible line more visible. Want to know more about your property line? Give me a call! Whether it's pesky neighbors, peace of mind, or just plain curiosity, I can help you find the answers.